High-speed trains offer the most comfortable way of traveling from Aberdeen to Glasgow. Therefore, when taking a Aberdeen to Glasgow train, be sure to check the timetable, rail map, class of train, and book your tickets online!
One of the most popular traveling ways from Aberdeen to Glasgow is taking a modern train. The high-speed train reaches Glasgow in less than 3 hours! The Aberdeen - Glasgow train route is run by ScotRail, which is a well-known rail company in the UK.
The train operator offers modern facilities onboard, including a spacious seat, plenty of legroom, food & drink, Wi-Fi, and many others. Check out more information about the train from Aberdeen to Glasgow and book train tickets online on Rail Ninja.
Shortest travel time;Longest travel time;Daily departures;Earliest departure;Latest departure;Price starts from
2 hrs 29 min;3 hrs;19 trains;05:34;19:34;$81
Yes, direct trains are running from Aberdeen Station to Glasgow Queen Street. All direct services are operated by ScotRail.
The earliest train from Aberdeen to Glasgow departs at 05:34. However, the departure time might change according to a weekday, season, and holidays. For exact information, please, check Rail Ninja.
If you plan to travel from Aberdeen to Glasgow by train, visit Rail Ninja and book the most appealing train ticket for yourself. On Rail Ninja, you can book a ticket online in advance. It's a convenient and leading ticketing platform.
You can enjoy a memorable trip to the United Kingdom by booking a train ticket from Aberdeen to Glasgow. It takes less than 3 hours on average for passengers to complete the journey, which does not require any changes. Check out a train route from Aberdeen to Glasgow on the railway map.
Aberdeen to Glasgow train route has an extensive timetable. Thus, you can easily pick the time that suits you the best and make the most out of your trip. Take a look at the Aberdeen - Glasgow train schedule below.
Generally, cheap train tickets are released by train operators prior to the journey. A typical timetable is usually announced around 12 weeks in advance, since a particular day's schedule is normally established 12 weeks in advance.
Be Flexible
Check different dates and times for cheaper train tickets. Different dates and times may still offer a greater selection of discounted tickets, so keep an eye out.
Discover the wonderful UK by taking a train from Aberdeen to Glasgow. Experience breathtaking views and fantastic scenery. In addition, be sure to check out the other popular routes across the UK!